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pragma x eutopiarch - the collectibles


from greek πρᾶγμα - deed, action, concrete reality, thing, creature.

is the word chosen by EUTOPIARCH for its

collection of collectibles:

a word encapsulating the physical and empirical outcome

- the epiphany -

of the conceptual and philosophical process of design.




Stele sconce by eutopiarch


Pragma x Eutopiarch n1

Fenicotteri pedestals by Eutopiarch


Pragma x Eutopiarch n2

FInnesti collection  by Eutopiarch


Pragma x Eutopiarch n3

Giano lamp  by Eutopiarch


Pragma x Eutopiarch n4

Golgotha table  by Eutopiarch

Pragma x Eutopiarch n5

Lappeso hanger by Eutopiarch

Pragma x Eutopiarch n6


Pragma x Eutopiarch n7

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